Business Card Webpage
In Business Card, I put my coding knowledge and made it look profesional. |
In Collage we learned how to move pictures to different positions |
Merchandise gear webpage.
In merchandise gear webpage, we used our math skills to make our own store. |
Merchandise upgrade
In the upgraded version of merchandise we had to add more items and money. |
In the dice game, we had to use dices, switch the pictures, and use a random number generator. |
Craps game
In this project we created the craps game by code. |
triangle checker
In this project we learned how to compare triangles in code and check what types of triangles. |
Circle bounce
In this project we learned how to use timers and how to use collision |
Space invader
We created a little game using bullets to kill an invader. |
In this project we made our own videos and imagination to make coding look xtreme. |
Mulitiple Circle bounce
In this project we learned how to use for loops to create mulitple circles. |
Helicopter Game
In this project we made a helicopter game and added smoke |
Array Number
in this project we made a array number generator |
Array string
in this project we made a array string generator |
Array number upgrade
In this project we learn how to use binary and sort |
In this project we took everything we learned and used it to create our final project |