In Gita we have learned HTML, CSS, JAVA SCRIPT. All three of these languages are very challenging and require a lot od brain power. Although Gita 2 has been very hard, Gita 2 has been very fun for me because I am able to bond with my friends while coding. It has gave me new challenges and helped my thinking skills. I believe that coding makes your brain grow because of the new information and new skills added. Here are all the projects we have done so far.

misinformation and disinformation

Misinformation and disinformation is the first project we had in Gita 2. We learned the basics about HTML and CSS and learned basic concepts we will need to use in every project.

Technology Page Rollovers

In technology rollovers we learned how to swicth the colors of the text after you hover over the text.

Business Card Webpage

In Business Card, I put my coding knowledge and made it look profesional.


In Collage we learned how to move pictures to different positions

Merchandise gear webpage.

In merchandise gear webpage, we used our math skills to make our own store.

Merchandise upgrade

In the upgraded version of merchandise we had to add more items and money.


In the dice game, we had to use dices, switch the pictures, and use a random number generator.

Craps game

In this project we created the craps game by code.

triangle checker

In this project we learned how to compare triangles in code and check what types of triangles.

Circle bounce

In this project we learned how to use timers and how to use collision

Space invader

We created a little game using bullets to kill an invader.


In this project we made our own videos and imagination to make coding look xtreme.

Mulitiple Circle bounce

In this project we learned how to use for loops to create mulitple circles.

Helicopter Game

In this project we made a helicopter game and added smoke

Array Number

in this project we made a array number generator

Array string

in this project we made a array string generator

Array number upgrade

In this project we learn how to use binary and sort


In this project we took everything we learned and used it to create our final project